Making a Jigsaw Puzzle from a Family Photo

Making a Jigsaw Puzzle from a Family Photo


Creating a jigsaw puzzle from a family photo is a fun and unique way to showcase your loved ones and create a lasting keepsake. Here are the steps to create your own jigsaw puzzle from a family photo:

Choose a photo: Select a family photo that you love and that has good resolution. Make sure that the photo is clear and in focus, as this will make the puzzle-making process easier.

Resize and crop the photo: Use photo editing software to resize and crop the photo to the size you want your puzzle to be. This will ensure that the puzzle pieces will fit together properly.

Print the photo: Print the photo on heavy cardstock or photo paper. You can also have the photo printed at a professional printing shop.

Cut the photo into pieces: Use a craft knife or puzzle cutter to cut the photo into pieces. Make sure to use a ruler or straight edge to ensure that the pieces are cut evenly and in straight lines.

Assemble the puzzle: Once you have cut all the pieces, it's time to assemble the puzzle. This can be a fun activity to do with family and friends, or you can take your time and do it on your own.

Seal the puzzle: Once the puzzle is complete, you can seal it with a puzzle conserver or puzzle glue to make it more durable. This will also prevent the pieces from coming apart over time.

Display the puzzle: Display your finished puzzle in a frame or on a puzzle board. You can also use the puzzle pieces to create a collage or other art project.

Creating a jigsaw puzzle from a family photo is a great way to preserve a special memory and share it with others. Not only is it a fun and unique project, but it also makes a great gift for family and friends.


Frequently asked questions

What kind of photo should I use to make a jigsaw puzzle?

It is best to use a photo that has good resolution and is clear and in focus. The photo should also be one that you love and that has special meaning to you.


What materials do I need to make a jigsaw puzzle from a family photo?

You will need photo editing software, a printer, heavy cardstock or photo paper, a craft knife or puzzle cutter, a ruler or straight edge, a puzzle conserver or puzzle glue, and a frame or puzzle board for displaying the finished puzzle.


How many pieces should I cut the puzzle into?

The number of pieces you cut the puzzle into will depend on the size of the puzzle and the level of difficulty you want. A larger puzzle with more pieces will be more challenging to assemble, while a smaller puzzle with fewer pieces will be easier.


Can I make a jigsaw puzzle from any type of photo?

Yes, you can make a jigsaw puzzle from any type of photo, as long as it has good resolution and is clear and in focus. You can make a puzzle from a family photo, a landscape photo, a pet photo, or any other type of photo that you love.



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